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아마란스 | 682-53-00808 | 제2023-수원권선-0773호
출판사 신고번호 : 제 2023-000074호
경기도 광명시 소하로 190, 12층 비1216-50(소하동, 광명G타워)
전화번호 : 010-3284-6979 (11:00 ~ 16:00) , 주말 / 공휴일 휴무
이 메 일 : sales@amarans.co.kr
입금계좌 : 카카오뱅크, 아마란스, 3333-26-7731937
This is a test for trying out the RunwayML Gen-3 Alpha model for commercial purpouses. All the shots are generated with RunwayML using text-to-video, some small details were retouched in AE after the edit was done (logo, license plate, or if I really liked a shot but there were two cars present, etc). Altogether I spent less than 24 hours working on this video - Gen3 is only out since 1.5 day ago - this includes generating the clips, selecting them, editing them to a coherent story, retouching and sound design. Is this a big step-up from Gen-2? Definitely! Gen-2 was a great experiment but Gen-3 is something that will change the industry. Pricing wise some people say it's expensive but I think if you go for the unlimited plan it's worth the money. I just can't wait for the feature updates including image prompting and director mode!
바로가기 (새창) : https://youtu.be/TLxpfN23fGA
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